When it comes to mental health, it’s no surprise that many people in the United States are struggling. There has been a huge increase in the amount of people who are regularly seeing a doctor or psychiatrist for diagnosed anxiety or depressive disorders. I myself have both a generalized anxiety disorder and a depressive disorder. Unfortunately, the number of people in our country who are suffering with these afflictions is only increasing. This last year was an awful year for a lot of people due to factors related to the pandemic. Job loss, unemployment, economic uncertainty, and housing strains really hit people hard. It’s no surprise that this caused a lot of mental health problems for people who are just trying to get by.
Prescription medications have become a staple in pharmaceuticals when it comes to treating and managing various anxiety and depression issues for many individuals in our country. However, it is also true that many prescriptions can be hit or miss as far as their effectiveness, and many have some pretty serious side effects. Have you ever thought about using medical marijuana to treat anxiety? Well, millions of people actually use cannabis to treat their anxiety and stress levels on a weekly basis. This treatment method is much more natural than other prescription medications, and could even be cheaper!
While many people have been turning to marijuana as a treatment for their anxiety, it’s also important to note that not all cannabis strains could be right for you. There are over 700 strains of marijuana that each behave a little differently in your body. Since not every state in the United States has legalized medical marijuana up to this point, those of you in a non-legalized state may be out of luck when it comes to buying your cannabis (legally, anyways). However, if you are in a state that has legalized marijuana, then you can definitely apply for a medical marijuana card and locate a dispensary near you! When it comes to picking a strain to use, it’s imperative that you take into consideration professional opinions and do your research. To make things easier, we wanted to provide you with a few of the most popular cannabis strains that people use to treat their anxiety on a regular basis.
One of the most popular strains is called Granddaddy Purple, which is very heavily used by people looking for an escape from their anxiety. This strain is a hybrid made using two different indica strains called Big Bud and Purple Urkle. Indica is generally more of a common strain when it comes to treating anxiety due to its natural calming and relaxing effects. Granddaddy Purple is also used to treat muscle spasms, insomnia, nausea, and other pain. This strain is really great at bringing your anxiety and stress down to more manageable levels. Maybe you have a lot going on at school or at work (depending on your age).
Stress is not inherently a bad thing, as it can often help us to feel motivated and get things done. However, hyperstress is a bad thing and is the type of stress that leads to anxiety. If you are struggling with anxiety, know that you are not alone and that there is help out there. Using cannabis to treat anxiety is definitely a good option, especially compared to alternative methods that are not necessarily healthy in the long run. Remember that it can be hard to find the right marijuana strain for you, as each person reacts differently to various strains. I hope this article has helped you!