Sunday 8 December 2019

The Best Medical Marijuana Strains for Managing Pain

Are you constantly dealing with ongoing pain or chronic illnesses that keep you from doing the things you enjoy? If so, you are not alone. In fact, millions of people in the United States are struggling to find ways to deal with their chronic pain that they may have lived with for years. Over time, regular prescription medications are not always working out well when it comes for managing pain. We even have an opioid crisis on our hands. However, since cannabis has become legalized in over 30 states, there has been a huge increase in the number of people using medical marijuana as an effective treatment for pain management.

In the state of Oklahoma alone, there are over 313,000 medical marijuana patients! So is cannabis your key to living a more pain free life? Maybe - but there are a few things that we need to talk about first. To start off, it’s important to keep in mind that everyone’s body reacts differently to medical marijuana, and that it is not always a perfect solution. There are so many different strains of cannabis out there, and each one functions a little differently (some much more drastically than others). With that being said, the first part of using marijuana to treat and manage your pain is to find the right strain. So once you’ve got your medical marijuana card, don’t walk into a dispensary and buy the first thing you see! It’s critical that you do some research beforehand, and that is what I am going to help you with today.

There are plenty of medical marijuana strains that are perfect for people suffering with chronic pain or illnesses, and this can make it a lot easier to get through your day to day life. Some strains are higher in THC content, while others are mostly CBD, which means that there is a strain out there for everyone. So without further ado, let’s talk about some of the best medical marijuana strains for managing pain. The first strain that I want to talk about is called Sour Diesel. This strain comes from a sativa cannabis plant, meaning that it’s more effective for energizing you and getting you through the day. While Sour Diesel is quite high in THC, the high that you experience will be pleasant and uplifting. With this strain, you should be able to get through your day without constantly feeling in pain or worrying about how to cope with it.

Another strain that I want to talk about is called White Widow. This strain is not necessarily ideal for beginners, especially due to its high THC content. However, if you have been rocking with cannabis for a while now and want to deal with some of your pain using a different strain, this may be perfect for you! White Widow is quite a relaxing strain that will help you sleep in the face of various aches and pains that you may be experiencing. Lots of people develop poor sleeping habits because of their pain and are unable to fall asleep. Hopefully, White Widow can be there for you! It’s actually one of the most famous strains of cannabis in the entire world, used by many patients who deal with varying levels of pain, anxiety, or insomnia. You will also feel a nice pleasant high before you fall asleep, making it a great way to end the night.

If you have found some of the information in this article helpful, please come back and read more tips about marijuana and cannabis related stuff! I hope that you can find a medical marijuana strand that works for you when it comes to managing your pain.

Sunday 15 September 2019

Trying to Live a Healthier Life? Cannabis Might Be Able to Help

The United States is notorious for having obscene obesity rates. Physical and mental health (or lack thereof) has become a more prominent conversation in the United States, and the year that everyone was stuck inside their home for months at a time. It can be really hard to try and live a healthier lifestyle, especially when it seems like the odds are stacked up against you. What I mean by that is that some people are living in constant, chronic pain that can make it hard for them to just get through daily life, let alone worry about their physical health.

For some people who live with chronic pain and other ailments, getting up and going to the gym is almost out of the question. Not to mention, poor sleeping habits can contribute to increased obesity rates, and it can be extremely difficult for people who are constantly losing sleep at night due to trying to manage their pain. To make things worse, people who are using cannabis to treat or manage their levels of chronic pain could be subject to one of marijuana’s most notorious side effects: the munchies. Having the munchies makes it really hard to say no to all the delicious snacks that are in your pantry or refrigerator. So if you have found that cannabis complicates your attempts to eat healthier and lose weight, know that you are not alone. In fact, many people struggle with this when using medical marijuana. 

When it comes to lifestyle choices, the pandemic did not really do us any favors. Many people gained weight over the long quarantine period due to being stuck in their home or apartment all day without access to a gym on the regular. In addition to that, stress eating is a real thing that a lot of people had to combat when stuck at home. Also, working from home allows us to live a much more sedentary lifestyle than before, which is the leading cause of people with obesity.

Some people like to shame others by saying that losing weight is easy with simple diet and exercise; however, more scientific studies and research has been done to conclude that these things may not be enough to outweigh the serious complications of a sedentary lifestyle. A report published recently even stated that 40 minutes of rigorous physical activity everyday is not enough to offset the health risks that are associated with so much sedentary time. So if you have heard people say that losing weight really involves eating healthy, I regret to inform you that they are correct. Losing weight can be made easier with more physical activity, but it really does start in the kitchen.

So what about those of us who struggle with chronic pain or other illnesses? It can be extremely difficult to maintain a healthy weight when dealing with other issues that make it hard to get through your daily life. For some people, it hurts to even move, let alone go on a 2 mile run after work or something like that. A study shows that 20% of adults in the United States live with some sort of chronic pain. That is insane! So for those people who rely on medical marijauana to make it through the day, I do not blame them. However, it is important to resist the munchies when you are trying to lose weight. When you are using medical marijuana, make sure that you have healthy snacks ready to go for when those late night munchies hit.

Friday 9 February 2018

Marijuana To Treat and Manage Anxiety

When it comes to mental health, it’s no surprise that many people in the United States are struggling. There has been a huge increase in the amount of people who are regularly seeing a doctor or psychiatrist for diagnosed anxiety or depressive disorders. I myself have both a generalized anxiety disorder and a depressive disorder. Unfortunately, the number of people in our country who are suffering with these afflictions is only increasing. This last year was an awful year for a lot of people due to factors related to the pandemic. Job loss, unemployment, economic uncertainty, and housing strains really hit people hard. It’s no surprise that this caused a lot of mental health problems for people who are just trying to get by.

Prescription medications have become a staple in pharmaceuticals when it comes to treating and managing various anxiety and depression issues for many individuals in our country. However, it is also true that many prescriptions can be hit or miss as far as their effectiveness, and many have some pretty serious side effects. Have you ever thought about using medical marijuana to treat anxiety? Well, millions of people actually use cannabis to treat their anxiety and stress levels on a weekly basis. This treatment method is much more natural than other prescription medications, and could even be cheaper!

While many people have been turning to marijuana as a treatment for their anxiety, it’s also important to note that not all cannabis strains could be right for you. There are over 700 strains of marijuana that each behave a little differently in your body. Since not every state in the United States has legalized medical marijuana up to this point, those of you in a non-legalized state may be out of luck when it comes to buying your cannabis (legally, anyways). However, if you are in a state that has legalized marijuana, then you can definitely apply for a medical marijuana card and locate a dispensary near you! When it comes to picking a strain to use, it’s imperative that you take into consideration professional opinions and do your research. To make things easier, we wanted to provide you with a few of the most popular cannabis strains that people use to treat their anxiety on a regular basis. 

One of the most popular strains is called Granddaddy Purple, which is very heavily used by people looking for an escape from their anxiety. This strain is a hybrid made using two different indica strains called Big Bud and Purple Urkle. Indica is generally more of a common strain when it comes to treating anxiety due to its natural calming and relaxing effects. Granddaddy Purple is also used to treat muscle spasms, insomnia, nausea, and other pain. This strain is really great at bringing your anxiety and stress down to more manageable levels. Maybe you have a lot going on at school or at work (depending on your age).

Stress is not inherently a bad thing, as it can often help us to feel motivated and get things done. However, hyperstress is a bad thing and is the type of stress that leads to anxiety. If you are struggling with anxiety, know that you are not alone and that there is help out there. Using cannabis to treat anxiety is definitely a good option, especially compared to alternative methods that are not necessarily healthy in the long run. Remember that it can be hard to find the right marijuana strain for you, as each person reacts differently to various strains. I hope this article has helped you!

Saturday 13 January 2018

Reasons Why Cannabis Should Be Federally Legalized

If you’re like me, then you are absolutely sick of waiting for the government to pick up their pants and legalize medical marijuana on a federal level. I’m not even asking for recreational legalization on a federal level, just medical marijuana! The amount of people who need cannabis as an alternative treatment option is staggering. Fortunately, the House Majority Leader has stated that the feds will legalize marijuana and this has given us a lot of hope.

However, the road that it took to get to this point has been long and hard. At this point, I think it is safe to say that we will definitely see cannabis legalized in the United States in our lifetimes; maybe even within the next decade or so! Legalizing cannabis on a federal level would have a great impact on our country, especially when it came to social justice and equity. Many people who have been sentenced to prison due to marijuana related charges will be able to apply for expungement and potentially be released from prison.

This would also help with the stigma around marijuana and cannabis related crimes. Also, it’s no secret that the cannabis industry would explode from a financial standpoint and lead to increased tax revenue in every state and on a federal level. In this article, I will be talking a bit about the various other impacts that legalizing cannabis in the United States could have in our lifetimes. 

Like I already stated, the legalization of marijuana would mean the decriminalization of the drug and prevent the future incarcerations of people using marijauna. Additionally, individuals who were busted for possession of cannabis charges can apply for expungement. However, this does not apply to people who were charged with large quantities of marijuana or were guilty of growing and distributing it.

Furthermore, if the cannabis charge was also paired with a violent crime or weapons charge, it is not possible to apply for expungement. The saddest part about the current state of the marijuana industry is that arrests in non-legalized states are still really high. According to an article that I found online, over 600,000 Americans are arrested per year on cannabis related charges. Hopefully, these people can be expunged in the near future when cannabis is legalized on a federal level. This will also help reduce generational poverty and crime rates that seem to have plagued certain areas in the United States that have been subject to mass incarceration and over policing. 

Another great thing that can come from legalizing marijuana in the United States is that people may be able to grow cannabis at home if they choose to do so. However, it’s worth noting that this currently varies  from state to state. Some states are very restrictive when it comes to licensing people to grow their own marijuana and establishing dispensaries around the state. When weed is legalized throughout the United States, though, this will no longer be a problem and anyone will be able to grow plants at home. Similar to growing your own fruits and vegetables at home, growing cannabis can be tedious and time consuming, so some people will still prefer to buy more high-quality cannabis from experienced growers at dispensaries located around their area. 

In addition to growing marijuana at home, the cost of buying cannabis in-store could also be reduced if it is made federally legal in the United States. Since there will be a huge surplus of dispensaries and growers all at once, the competition between marijuana retailers and dealers will drive down the price. This means that you will be able to buy a lot more weed for a lot less money!

Wednesday 4 October 2017

Strains that can Help with IBS

IBS or irritable bowel syndrome is a problem where the intestines and the colon start to spasm in an uncontrollable manner. Those with IBS typically deal with cramps, gas, bloating, constipation, and diarrhea. This is a chronic condition, which of course does require management and treatment for the long-term, usually either diet, exercise, or the counseling and use of medications, sometimes even antidepressants. This is something that is sometimes treated with cannabis, which can help with the side effects of this. 

How cannabis helps 

This helps in a variety of ways. The first way is that it does control the contractions of the colon. While the evidence is limited, it’s found that dronabinol, which is synthetic cannabis, can sometimes slow down the contractions in those who have IBS, especially those who have prominent diarrhea. 

Your endocannabinoid system is one that involves different modulations of the functions, and it consists of different receptors, enzymes, and different neurotransmitters that go with this.  Those who have a deficiency may show signs of IBS, since this propulsion, inflammation, and secretion of your digestive tract are all regulated through your ECS. 

THC and CBD are two of the main compounds in this that bind to this. In one study, it was found that cannabinoids do help with the symptoms of IBS, including nausea, pain in the abdomen, and your appetite too. It’s not the same as IBS of course, but those who have IBS also experience the same effects. 

If you’re someone who uses a strain for IBS treatment, or IBS treatment, you definitely want to find something that’s balanced in terms of THC and CBD, or try to go for higher CBD, since it’s anti-inflammatory and also has side effects which are painkilling. CBD also isn’t psychoactive either. 

The best Strains 

With that said, here are some of the best strains to help counteract IBS in the body. First, we’ve got cannatonic, which is a strain that’s used for medical reasons, because it’s got a very high CBD content of 17%, and it’s much larger compared to the THC content that’s only about 6% in most cases. 

It’s great for chronic pain management and managing of gastrointestinal conditions that go with IBS. Another benefit of this s that it also does not create a high like other strains, since this one has very little THC to work with as well. 

ACDC is another one, with about 20% CBD content, and ii is great for chronic pain. it’s also a strain that’s great for calming, so for those who suffer from stress and anxiety, typically a sign of IBS, this is one of the best out there to help with the job, and something worth checking out if that’s what you’re looking to fix. 

Blueberry Diesel is another one. This is also kind of high in THC compared to CBD, but it’s one that doesn’t create a high that’s overpowering, but instead relaxing. It’s one of the best for managing nausea in some people who have IBS. It also reduces anxiety which comes with IBS too, something that is oftentimes a major problem for those that deal with it too. 

Finally, we’ve got white widow, and this is great for chronic pain, and for those who struggle with symptoms that are IBS-related as well. It’s one of the best because it’s balanced in terms of THC and CBD, and it creates that entourage effect, which is something most people who take cannabinoids are a fan of. Try these strains today to see if they can help with your IBS symptoms.

Thursday 4 May 2017

What Kratom Is

You’ve probably heard of kratom before, and it’s something that offers stimulant and opioid results from this. It’s a supplement which is not approved by the FDA, but it does help with managing the health and wellness issues that are there along with the withdrawal symptoms of drugs too. There is a lot of buzz around kratom because it is something that people are looking at as a means to replace the opioid need that’s there, but the thing is, it’s still addictive, and it’s not FDA approved, and it basically is a bit different from cannabis, with a whole different pharmacology. 

What it is 

This is basically derived from a tree that’s located directly in southeastern Asia, and the leaves are used to help with opioid withdrawals.  It’s a plant that’s in the coffee family and is considered an evergreen plant. The compounds of kratom do include what’s called mitragynine, and mitragynine psyudoindoxyl, which do bind directly to your opioid, serotonin, and dopamine receptors, which is why people feel the stimulating effects when they take a low amount. 

Mitragynine also is one that does bind directly to your receptors that are opium types, which is why it’s a sedative, and also is why it is slightly addictive, even if you’re trying to get off the withdrawal of the opioids. This has not been approved by the FDA, but some people use it to treat diarrhea, fatigue, and other pain and other problems in the body. 

Using this 

If you chose to use this, do understand that none of this is FDA approved, and this is also the same way as vitamins. They are a bit addictive since they do bind directly to those opioid receptors, which is why there are some adverse side effects that come with this, respiratory depression, liver toxicity, and death are all risk if you take this for too long. 

Most of the time, you can chew it, or brew these inside a form of a tea. You can also get these as supplements at a ton of major vitamin shops and retailers, and right now, there is no specific way to use it, but you should discuss this with a professional before you start this. Some people report that wen they use this, they feel as if they drank a cup of coffee. Some people also say that it makes them feel less stressed, other pleasurable sensations, and the like. However, this is dependent on the dosages, with the lower ones being much more stimulating, and the higher ones being far more sedative, similar to how cannabis works. 

Health Benefits 

Right now, there are some health benefits that some people have gotten, but they are all anecdotal than anything. 

Some of the benefits though that people report include: 

  • Relieving pain 

  • Reducing anxiety 

  • Helping with depression treatment 

  • Treating addiction to opioids

Right now, most people do experience relief from opioids, and most of them drop this within a year or so. There are some side effects that come with this though, since this is not totally regulated. Some kratom, when not from a reputable reseller, can contain a lot of heavy metals, contaminants, and even bacteria. 

Not to mention, t can cause other problems including nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, constipation, heart problems and high blood pressure, addiction, liver problems, can damage unborn babies, respiratory problems, and you can overdose on this one, so it is risky. But if you do find benefit in this product, talk to your doctor before you decide to consume this product as well too.

Thursday 19 January 2017

The Benefits of Medical Marijuana

Those of us who are actively involved in the cannabis community don’t need to be told the numerous health benefits that are associated with actively consuming marijuana in different forms. In fact, most of us can’t get enough of it! However, there are still people out there who are not completely sold on the effectiveness of cannabis and what it can do for your physical and emotional well being. If that is the case for you (who is reading this article) then I have some great news for you.

Today I am writing about some of the best health benefits of medical marijuana and why I believe it is a great alternative to various over the counter medications, prescription medications, and even alcohol! Or, perhaps you are already a current medical marijuana user but are unaware of the bonus effects that you are receiving from consuming this magical plant. Let’s take some time together and go over some of the biggest health benefits of medical marijuana

The first benefit that I want to talk about is how medical marijuana can stop the spread of cancer. Think you read that wrong? Nope! It’s true. I am sure that some people believe that cannabis itself causes cancer, but they could not be more wrong (as there is no scientific evidence to back this up). This might sound too hard to imagine, but according to a study done in 2007, medical marijuana can actually stop cancerous cells from spreading. In one study, CBD was able to keep breast cancer cells from spreading, and other studies even showed that marijuana could slow the spread of other types of cancer in brains and lungs. That’s science, baby! So if you are currently consuming medical marijuana on a regular basis, you can rest with the knowledge that you are helping to stop the spread of cancer if that is a concern of yours. We should all be scared of cancer anyways, since we have a 50/50 shot of getting it at some point in our lifetime!

Another huge benefit of medical marijuana is much more well-known, but still not talked about enough within various circles in the community. I am referring to the pain relieving properties of cannabis that have recently begun to really make a difference in the lives of those struggling with chronic pain or illness. People who have arthritis can tell you a thing or two when it comes to pain; in fact, many people with that condition report never being able to really escape their constant pain. However, multiple medical experts and doctors have begun experimenting with cannabinoid-based medications that are really making a difference. In contrast to other medications, cannabis is able to reduce inflammation and can really change a person's life who has been struggling with pain for so long. Plus, there are so many different ways to use cannabis as a medication that something is bound to work eventually. 

Have you heard of Crohn’s disease? If you haven’t had to deal with yourself, consider yourself lucky. This disease is very difficult to diagnose and even harder to treat. My brother in law has Crohn’s disease and it is no joke. Many people with this ailment have given up finding any sort of relief in their lifetime. However, we are beginning to see that marijuana may be an effective way to treat the disease and offer patients some long awaited relief. A study done with 11 patients showed that 10 of those felt relief in their symptoms from cannabis related treatment, and 5 even had their symptoms go away completely! So basically, cannabis is the best and you should be proud of yourself for using it.

The Best Medical Marijuana Strains for Managing Pain

Are you constantly dealing with ongoing pain or chronic illnesses that keep you from doing the things you enjoy? If so, you are not alone. I...